E-zone is a fictional ecodesign project for the city Hasselt in light of the European 20/20/20-goals. Promoting the use of electric vehicles is essential in the process of achieving these goals. Hasselt plans to do this by placing charging stations throughout the city.

E-zone is a mobile charging station for scooters and bikes and will be used during events at Dusartplein and the Japanese Garden. E-zone consists out of two charging stations, one for scooters and one for bikes. There are two ways for recharching a scooter: with a plug or via inductive charging. Both methods have to be activated through the screen. The charging station for bikes consists out of lockers where bikers can place the external battery of their bike. They can activate the charching process through the display. Both charching stations are also equipped with an umbrella that’s used as shelter for rain and sun.

Speaking of ecology, for my bachelor in Event Management, I came up with “Ecologisch Oostende”, a staff event for the city of Ostend.

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Fiat Professional

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