To finalize my bachelor in Marketing – Corporate Communication I did a 3-month internship at Echo Floor Solutions. During that time I immersed myself in their newest floor solution, DomoDeck.

More specifically, I created a communication plan to promote the product to the architects on the one hand and to the contractors & the turn key companies on the other hand. This resulted into my bachelor thesis of which you can find a summary below.

Speaking of lengthy and important documents, I also wrote a master thesis. The subject? How to help children overcome their fear of the dark. Yeah, I know, something totally different! Check it out here if you’re curious about this project.

Other interesting projects

AC/DC rock or bust

AC/DC Dessel

A few years ago AC/DC announced their highly anticipated Rock or Bust tour. Luckily, the band added a Belgian date to their tour and that brought the band to Dessel.

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Transactions in cash have been declining steadily in Belgium thanks to the rise of mobile & contactless payments. That’s where Worldline comes in: the company provides all-in-one payment solutions to businesses, like shops, restaurants, …

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