Redesigning my portfolio

Aavee homepage redesign

Every month I like to challenge myself with a creative assignment to up my game. This month I took on the task of redesigning my website.

Hard to imagine, but I’ve had the same layout on my website since I launched it back in 2018. So definitely time for a change! In the past my website focused on all the projects I worked on throughout the years, but for this redesign I wanted to emphasize my own personality, as that’s what really makes me stand out from the crowd.

I did this by adding multiple elements on my homepage. First of, I implemented an ‘about me’-section at the top of the page. Secondly, I added a block with fun facts about me. I also wanted to focus a bit more on my photography, hence why I added a gallery with some of my best work.

Not that the job is done by any means, as I still want to update the post and page templates. So definitely check this article again to discover the new updates I did to the website.

Before After Aavee beforeAavee after

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