Ecologisch Oostende

Ecologisch Oostende is a fictional staff event for the city of Ostend. The aim of the event was to amuse & reward the staff, but also to convey a few values.

App Z33

In 2013 I developed a mobile app for Z33, the house for contemporary art in Hasselt. It’s a digital tour of the museum with info on exhibitions, artists and the calender.

Pepijn het nachtkonijn

For my thesis I developed a prototype that helps children through their fear of the dark. The prototype, Pepijn Het Nachtkonijn, targets older children with fear of the dark and also their parents.

The ARtist

The ARtist is a project that aims to change the perspective of the viewer by including him into the action with AR, in this case a concert of his favorite band.

Muzikant Rijk Genk

Genk actually has a rich music history with bands like Iron Maiden once performing here and artists like Rocco Granata hailed from here. This rich history is captured in the Spotify app Muzikant Rijk Genk.


E-zone is a fictional ecodesign project for the city Hasselt in light of the European 20/20/20-goals. It’s a mobile charging station for scooters and bikes which will be used during events.