
Glasses may be a practical object, for optical retailer GrandOptical it’s so much more. They see glasses as a stylish accessory that’s an extension of your personality. So they made it their mission to find you a pair of glasses that really fits your character.

To get this message across, they communicate with their clients through emails, social media and blog posts among others. I’ve been lucky enough to work on all of these mediums: from coding mails to writing articles & social copy.

Sight seems to be a theme throughout my carreer, as I also worked for Pearle.

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Start Life

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Did you know that arrhythmia is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases? Obviously this is quite dangerous, so regular checkups are important. Enter FibriCheck: a medical smartphone app that detects rhythm disorders.

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Frozen Solid Fest

Frozen Solid Fest

Millennails are often described as one of the hardest groups to communicate with, so I challenged myself to come up with an event and a communication campaign targeted at young adults.

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