How being unemployed helped me to find the real me

For years, I defined myself by my job. From blogger to content marketer. You can imagine that I went through a bit of an identity crisis when I first realised I would be unemployed for a while. Wanting to pursue my creative dreams, I decided to call it quits at the job that didn’t give… Continue reading How being unemployed helped me to find the real me

Shooting my own headshots

As my profile pic on LinkedIn is a selfie from back in 2013, I decided it was time for new headshots and I challenged myself to make them on my own. In my photography course we learned how to take pictures of yourself on your own. It’s actually quite easy. First, put your camera on… Continue reading Shooting my own headshots

Redesigning my portfolio

Every month I like to challenge myself with a creative assignment to up my game. This month I took on the task of redesigning my website. Hard to imagine, but I’ve had the same layout on my website since I launched it back in 2018. So definitely time for a change! In the past my… Continue reading Redesigning my portfolio